New Galaxy International Calling Card

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The Galaxy International Calling Card offers special rates and discounts for making calls from Taiwan to Taiwan and to other countries.

The Galaxy International Calling Card sells by prepaying credits without a real card. Each unit can be either NT$200 or NT$500. We offer 5% discount for one time purchase up to NT$5000 and 10% for NT$10000.

Note: The New Galaxy International Calling Card doesn't have expiration day.

Rate Table

(We reserve the right to change the rates without prior notification)

Dialing Number: 0809056200


Area Country   Mobile   ($NT/ 6 sec) Landline ($NT/ 6 sec)
Asia Hong Kong Landline/Mobile 0.63 0.63
Singapore Landline/Mobile 0.5 0.5
Japan, South Korea Landline/Mobile 0.86 0.86
China Landline/Mobile 0.5 0.5
Philipping, Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, Macau Landline/Mobile 1 1
Cambodia, Vietnam Landline/Mobile 1.8 1.8
Others Landline/Mobile 2.2 2.2
Oceania Australia, New Zealand Landline/Mobile 0.86 0.86
Others Landline/Mobile 2.2 2.2
America USA, Canada Landline/Mobile 0.36 0.36
Mexico Landline/Mobile 1.8 1.8
Cuba Landline/Mobile 3.8 3.8
Others Landline/Mobile 2.6 2.6
Europe UK Landline/Mobile 0.86 0.86
Germany, French Landline/Mobile 0.94 0.94
Italy, Sweden, Switzerland, Austria, Denmark, Norway, Ireland, Luxembourg, Spain, Netherlands, Beldium Landline/Mobile 1 1
Others Landline/Mobile 2.2 2.2
Africa Landline/Mobile 2.5 2.5
Taiwan Landline 0.45 0.19
Taiwan Mobile 0.5 0.49